Terri Ritchey - Candidate for Vice President
Terri's Personal Statement
I’ve been in love with theatre since junior high when I won an award for my eerie presence as one of the three witches in Macbeth. I finally found recognition and a welcoming place in the social hierarchy of junior high! Lots of productions in high school and college – both in front of the stage and behind. Community theatre became a lifesaver while I was a young stay at home mom. I worked with Port City Playhouse, LTA, TAP, Reston Players, PWLT, FCT, and the Castaways. Unfortunately, when I started teaching full time and rearing three kids, theater took a backseat – but I’m retired now giving me more time to become active in theatre again. In 2019, I did a show with PWLT and it felt like coming home – the same experience when I was in junior high. Terri's Bio I have been a board member for the last four years so I am familiar with PWLT and I’d like to be more involved in a leadership role. That’s why I’m running for Vice President this year. Currently, I am the Scholarship and Membership Chair and we have been able to award scholarships to four students who are majoring in theatre endeavors in college. I also edit and write the newsletter. In addition, I’m a Watch judge. However, I’m also involved in PWLT productions. Last year I directed “The Trial of Ebenezer Scrooge”. I’m glad PWLT gave me the opportunity to be so involved! That is my mantra for next year – let’s get more people involved in PWLT – we are a growing and thriving community theatre that wants all those that work with us to feel like family. In the past, I served briefly on TAP Board and was a Watch Judge for Port City. My husband and I were awarded TAP Producers of the Year for “The Boyfriend”, and I earned a Best Ensemble Award for the One Acts. Professionally, I taught for 30 years in Fairfax County Public Schools and earned a M.Ed. Along the way I received several teaching awards and helped my students introduce and get passed 5 bills into legislation. However, I would say my proudest accomplishments are my kids and grandbabies!
Terri's Bio
I have been a board member for the last two years. I am the Scholarship and Membership Chair. I also edit and write the newsletter. In addition, I’m a Watch judge. I’m glad PWLT gave me the opportunity to be so involved! In the past, I served briefly on TAP Board and was a Watch Judge for Port City. My husband and I were awarded TAP Producers of the Year for The Boyfriend, and earned a Best Ensemble Award for the One Acts. Professionally, I taught for 30 years in Fairfax County Public Schools and earned a M.Ed. Along the way I received several teaching awards and helped my students introduce and get passed 5 bills into legislation. However, I would say my proudest accomplishments are my kids and grandbabies!